Like bees to the honey, you will be drawn to our honeycomb ornaments! The indentations on our ornament represent the hexagonal wax cells that comprise the actual honeycomb. As light dances around these indented cells, the ornament glistens in various tints of color. For a spectrum of colors, mix and match the ornaments then hang them from the staircase railing or place in a wicker basket near the fireplace as an added decoration. All of these vacuum plate ornaments have either a silver or gold cake top cap with matching hanger.
Like bees to the honey, you will be drawn to our honeycomb ornaments! The indentations on our ornament represent the hexagonal wax cells that comprise the actual honeycomb. As light dances around these indented cells, the ornament glistens in various tints of color. For a spectrum of colors, mix and match the ornaments then hang them from the staircase railing or place in a wicker basket near the fireplace as an added decoration. All of these vacuum plate ornaments have either a silver or gold cake top cap with matching hanger.